Let the banjos blare and the bagpipes bluster! Blue Skies is going to reach its 50th birthday in just a few years.
Our Golden Anniversary is roaring down the track and it’s time to hop on board. We’re already thinking about ways to celebrate this milestone. Ideas are being tossed around including thoughts about books, thoughts about movies and thoughts about what other thoughts we might think.
We know for sure we’ll be looking for your stories and memories to share. And art-works, and poems, and songs, and photographs. We also need folks who are willing to help get this all underway. Whatever you can bring is exactly what we need.
If you’d like to help in any way, please e-mail us at 50years@blueskiesmusicfestival.ca
New and exciting ideas are also encouraged.
Let’s really whoop up a storm to celebrate our upcoming 50 years of music and community.